There has been controversies whirling around for past few days regarding the conviction of Rajiv Gandhi Killers, stay on their death penalty or whether their mercy petition needs to be considered or not.Tamil Nadu Government has gone one step further ,passed a resolution in the assembly to ask the President to reconsider the mercy petition of Murugan,Santhan and Perarvalan who were the main convicts of Rajiv Gandhi's murder along with Nalini who got her death sentence commuted by the then president of India with the help of Mrs.Sonia Gandhi.
The day Tamil Nadu assembly passed a resolution there are debates regarding the Tamil sentiments whether the assembly represents the whole of Tamil Nadu or not.Yet there has been no transperency on how they determined the collective sentiments of Tamils to come to a conclusion that Tamilians would like to have these convicts pardoned.Here comes the Tamil parties or rather Pro LTTE Parties DMK,DK,MDMK, party leaders like Vaiko making seditious talks of seceding Tamil Nadu from India if these three are hanged.What do we make out of outrageous speech of those who proclaim to be patriotic yet talk about sedition?.Are they really bothered about the genocide of millions of Tamils in Sri Lanka that they even come forward to sacrifice their Nation interests for Tamil interests?The bitter answer and the truth is No.The people who talk about partitioning Tamil Nadu today are the people who have been official campaigners of Velupillai Prabhakaran, the head of the terrorist organization LTTE ,also one of the main conspirators of the killing of Rajiv Gandhi.The eloquent talks on Tamils and Tamil sentiments are not because of their conern towards the sentiments of Tamils but because of their loss of face due to the killing of Prabhakaran by Srilankan army.They dont want to lose their face once again by letting the death penalty of these three who dont even belong to India being executed.These are the same people who have been watching the killings of the tamils in Srilanka till today without providing any substantial solution.
Although there are people in Tamil Nadu who are genuinely concerned and worried about the condition of Srilankan Tamils more from a humanitarian perspective , official campaigners of LTTE like VAIKO,Seeman ,Nedumaran and Ramadoss have made it look like if you are not pro LTTE ,you are anti Tamils.This is a very dangerous perspective, for Velupillai Prabhakaran himeslf,as the head LTTE did not do anything better to the Tamils.We will see why and how in sometime .Paying heed to the genocide of Tamils is different from lending support hand to LTTE terrorism as LTTE has also been a part of killing of lot of Tamils and srilankans in Srilanka.
The chronology of LTTE started after the Srilankan Independence in 70s,when Successive srilankan Government were in denial of providing equal rights to tamils.They became a threat to Srilankan Tamils by passing discreminatory policies against tamils.It was at this point in time ,around 1980,LTTE an organization headed by Veluppilai Prabhakaran was formed, demanding a separate state for Tamils in Northen and Eastern part of Srilanka .They took up arms as a retaliation to fight against the then Srilankan Government which was passing discreminatory policies by condescending them.LTTE became a very notorious terrorist organization as its ideology was not based on any religion although their demonstrations included attacks of innocent civilians,Bank robbery,bombing properties, act of ethnic cleansing.
Apparently, during the time of tamil unrest there were also other Tamil organizations working parallely to fight for the Tamils such as Eelam Revolutionary Organisation of Students (EROS),Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO) ,People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE),Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF),Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization(TELA).What started as a fight for regional Autonomy became the fight for the claim of dominance with the fight between insurgent groups.TELO had a pro Indian view and pushed India for peace talks with Srilanka.When LTTE decided that they would not settle for anything less than a separate state,they decided to eliminate TELO and ordered the other tamil civilian groups to join them .As a result fighting broke out between TELO and LTTE ,around 400 militants of TELO were killed by the LTTE.LTTE also attacked ERPLF few months later therby threatening them to withdraw the troops from Jaffna.Thus by eliminating other Tamil groups LTTE made jaffna a LTTE dominated city.
It was also during the fight of separate state LTTE used local tamils as human shields and made sure that those who tried to escape to the Government declared safe zones are either burnt alive or mercilessly killed.they forcibly abducted an estimated twenty thousand children as young as ten and converted them into human bombs or cannon fodder. Tamil parents who objected to the forcible conscription of their beloved children were tortured or killed in front of their families. One cannot ignore that LTTE killed Srilankans.Yet one cannot deny the killing spree of LTTE did not stop with srilankans but included killing their own Tamils.Thus LTTE became a predator than a protector of Tamils.
Velayutham Dayanithi alias Daya Master, former media corodinator of LTTE, and George, official interpreter of top leader, in An article dated 2009 in Hindustan Times
"The LTTE is still using innocent civilians as hostages. They don't let them go out of the areas controlled by them. 'Viduthalai Puligal' (LTTE cadres) have killed a number of people in Sudanthirapuram area when they tried to flee from them,"
"More than 200 people lost their lives at the hands of LTTE in that one area,"
Again in 1983 the killing of 13 soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army by LTTE lead to the ethnic riots in Srilanka.The riots did not do any good but only detroiated the ethnic relations in Srilanka .Due to growing anger among the refugees,India intervened addressing the brutalities of LTTE by sending IPKF(India Peace Keeping Force) for peace talks to Srilanka.Indian Peace Keeping force was sent to Sri Lanka to carry out humanitarian aid and disarm the armed Tamils.The resolution to send IPKF to srilanka was decided by indian parliament at the behest of Rajiv Gandhi.Rajiv Gandhi's government attempted to re-establish friendly relations with the various factions in Sri Lanka while maintaining diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the conflict as well as limiting overt aid to the Tamil fighters.LTTE opposed the move which resulted in confrontation of LTTE and IPKF.The fighting continued till 1990 and it was during this time LTTE killed former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, and Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa in 1993 using Suicide bombers.
LTTE used violence against all those leaders and innocent civilians who they considered as an opposition to the LTTE.Thus with the end of Prabhakaran the fight for separate Tamil land also ended.It is because of the brutalities committed by LTTE innocent tamilians are suffering till today.People who talk about UN's resolution about srilanka on the genocide of tamils should not forget that UN has equally condemned the atrocities of LTTE.Infact LTTE was declared as terrorist organization and banned due to its atrocities.Read about it here.
What is disheartening today is the amount of support in Tamil Nadu to the LTTE.It has become very obvious that those people who support LTTE thereby condemning the genocide of tamils are hypocrites. LTTE downfall is a perfect example for those who take up violence for satisfying personal and political goals.Even if countless number of execution of terrorists is going to save one innocent life,capital punishment is justified.Mercy is not for people who dont deserve it.Violence does not instill fear but rather inspire further violence which is what is being carried out in Srilanka today.
very well written!
Awakening Stuff!!! Publish more frequently!!!
"What is disheartening today is the amount of support in Tamil Nadu to the LTTE.It has become very obvious that those people who support LTTE thereby condemning the genocide of tamils are hypocrites."
Nothing to get disheartened about. The so called "Support" is coming from Church & western countries ( US,UK, Norway etc). You should read "Breaking India" By Rajiv Malhotra & A.Neelakandan
I would suggest you read the judgement order of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case before taking such a strong position on the three convicts. At least in the case of Perarivalan, the punishment was based on evidence that no justice system in the world would accept. And it was based on certain provisions of the notorious TADA which was later allowed to lapse.
Capital punishment, as one wise man put it, is the ultimate cruelty. There is always a chance that a person might have been wrongly convicted, and at a later point in time new evidences might establish his innocence. And secondly, as so many scholars have pointed out, there is no empirical evidence to suggest that capital punishment deters crime. If it did, then we would have been a crime-free society by now.
In the case of these three men, they have served more than a life sentence in prison and have gone thorough much. Perarivalan has become a wonderful writer and a sort of an intellectual, with impeccable decency even within the prison during all these years.
Taking the life of a person, under any pretext, even if he had committed the most heinous crime, is barbarism and law of a liberal society must never sanction such an act.
@sruthisagar- "Taking the life of a person, under any pretext, even if he had committed the most heinous crime"- are you serious? would u b able to say the same thing if it had happend to one of ur loved ones.I suppose u r not jesus christ.!!! ur information has already been analysed by SC and hence the verdict.r u questioning the wisdom of the supreme court? Its not about one person killed what abt 18 others who were killed in the blast?what abt justice to their families?nothing is equivalent to life,even when one serves 50 yrs in jail.Justice is the most humane thing here not otherwise,Of all These guys have taken part in the killing my country's PM.I want them hanged!!
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